CUB/SpringFest News

The Clarkson Union Board is Clarkson University's on campus entertainment council. We are responsible for planning events to entertain the students as well as providing support to other campus organizations.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Poll The Entire Campus

Why doesn't CUB re-poll the entire campus?

Short answer, we don't have time. It takes time to get the approval for the survey, to have the survey set up, to email it out, to allow people time to complete the survey and finally to process the results. The quickest turn around I've been able to do so far is more than 2 weeks. Unfortunately we don't have that kind of time to spare right now (there is a lot of planning and lead work that goes into a show like this).

Why do a Jolt poll?

Jolt polls take me an email or IM to a Jolt God to setup, provide very quick feedback and reach a decent portion of the people on campus.

How representative are Jolt polls and are they accurate?

Thats an open ended question. Given that almost 700 people have voted I'd say its pretty representative. In terms of accuracy, I talk to Ron Ayers who reviews the voting logs and vets the results. On short order its the best I can do.


At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to the "no comedy" stance you guys were taking. The jolt polls are not accurate and when has 700 become representative of 2500-3000? You basically can vote on the jolt polls as often as you like, its not hard to re-route to another network and then vote again, or even just erasing your history and cache which will allow you to vote twice on the same server. Lastly, Bob Saget is not a good stand-up comic and should not be allowed to perform.

At 11:55 AM, Blogger Clarkson Union Board said...

We've already addressed these issues in other posts.

The jolt polls are not accurate and when has 700 become representative of 2500-3000?
When only 438 people responded to the act poll and only 869 people responded to the initial one. 700 people is a decent turn out.


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