CUB/SpringFest News

The Clarkson Union Board is Clarkson University's on campus entertainment council. We are responsible for planning events to entertain the students as well as providing support to other campus organizations.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Why didn't Weird Al win?

Didn't Weird Al get like double the votes and points than Breaking Benjamin. Why isn't Weird Al getting the first bid? -- Guest, The Daily Jolt

  • Across both surveys the support was decidedly for music.
  • The musical genre with the most votes was rock.
  • SUNY Potsdam is trying to do a comedy show (Lewis Black). Rather than possibly compete for their attendance, the board felt it would be better to follow the data and cover a different market.

For reference here are the original survey results.

For the record, there were 99 comedy acts and 187 musical acts, a ratio of slightly less than 0.53. Applying that ratio to the results presented before yields the following results for comedy:

Act Raw Votes Score
!!BLANK VOTE!! 834.75 3910.87
WEIRD AL YANKOVIC 96.99 703.31
BOB SAGET 91.69 675.75
DAVE ATTELL 67.31 436.72
STEPHEN LYNCH 59.89 421.35
COLIN MOCHRIE 56.18 400.68
ANDY DICK 49.82 309.52
JIM GAFFIGAN 38.16 287.79
CHARLIE MURPHY 36.57 246.98
NORM MC DONALD 40.28 215.18

"So if you weren't going to do a comedy show regardless of how many votes any act received, why would you even offer it as a choice in your survey?" -- Anonymous, 8:17 AM

Yes, that exactly why on the survey with the acts on it we asked this:
"Based on the acts you selected above, would you rather see music or comedy?
Music 320
Comedy 105"

Yes, we neglected to post that in the actual survey results when we put them up. Sorry about that, we've since put that information up (even though it was in the results linked off the page). Sorry about that.


At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

because votes equals dollars right?

Every year you do rock, and every year it fails to turn a profit.

one year you do comedy, instant success.

I'm not going to ANY rock concert, even if you got a good band.

At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will go to any ROCK concert, or concert of any genre though, I would prefer Rock but, I would rather eat cat poop than listen to one second of wierd al, he is NOT the least bit funny

At 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if you weren't going to do a comedy show regardless of how many votes any act received, why would you even offer it as a choice in your survey?


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