Survey Results!
And the results are in, we had 869 responses. Since there is a lot of information to look at click here to se the detailed results.
Here is the quick and dirty executive summary for those that dont feel like reading through it all:
Strong support for music (45%) and music and a comedian (37%). Comparably weak support for only a comedian (17%).
Strong support for one large act (83%).
Genres (Top 5):
Based on Most Interested Only:
- Rock (488)
- Comedy (349)
- Metal (150) / Country (150)
- Hip Hop/Rap/Rapcore (127)
- Pop (125)
- Rock (607.5)
- Comedy (454.5)
- Hip Hop/Rap/Rapcore (237)
- Ska, Reggae, Dub (233)
- Pop (212)
- Rock (555.5)
- Comedy (300)
- Country(-24.5)
- Ska, Reggae, Dub (-69.5)
- Metal (-97)
The rest of the data seems representative of the campus (male/female response rate, class break ups etc), suggesting that the survey is an accurate picture of the campus.
We will use this data to generate a possible act survey in the near future.
Yea, we should prolly go ahead and get Dane Cook...
Carlos mencia would be quite funny for a comedian
Carlos is $70,000. We can't afford him.
We really need Dane Cook and the blue man group. It is mere pennies any ways
How about getting some punk rock such as The Ataris or The Academy Is. Dane Cook would be great but I imagine he would be way too expensive for this college.
Please leave your emo shit on your hard drives.
Sonic Youth.
Golly I'm Old, I mean reeaally old.
RocknRoll,Beebop, HipHop, Punk &
Rap-Crap...Yell-Singers competing
with Over-amplified guitars! Wow!
140 Decibles. What did he say?
Pakalolo & Maui Wowee has done a
number on your heads. Sorry guys &
dolls. You'll never know the sweet
sounds of Benny Goodman's clarinet.
Who's He? Oh, just the foremost musical genius of the 20th Century.
But you cannot miss, what you've never heard, am I right? $$$ $$$
Melody, lyrics, harmony! What? Waa.
Robert Goulet? Nat King Cole? Uh,Ya
The baby-boomers have been
RIPPED OFF! $ Bigtime! reb
get the wallflowers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Barefoot Truth....good band upcoming out of the northeast. Check out their website: to listen to their music.
we should get My Morning Jacket
Yeah My Morning Jacket would be an amazing show
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