CUB/SpringFest News

The Clarkson Union Board is Clarkson University's on campus entertainment council. We are responsible for planning events to entertain the students as well as providing support to other campus organizations.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Wow, Its like a REAL blog...

So, welcome to the new SpringFest/CUB blog...

We've started our yearly SpringFest planning, and you should be receiving an email at your Clarkson address very soon from Zoomerang. This is a survey, you should fill it out. This will be the first of several surveys for this years SpringFest. Please complete them, as it gives us a better idea what you the students want from your SpringFest experience.

Also, since this is actually a blog, you can leave comments, whine, complain and generally degrade our morale as you see fit. Have fun!


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