CUB/SpringFest News

The Clarkson Union Board is Clarkson University's on campus entertainment council. We are responsible for planning events to entertain the students as well as providing support to other campus organizations.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Possible Acts

Based on the survey results we have a list of available acts from our booking agent. The list is very much subject to change, and in no way does an acts presence or absence on the list actually imply that the will actually be available for our date or within the constraints of our budget. The prices listed are estimates at best, and generally reflect the minimum asking price for an act. A plus sign following a price indicates that the actual offer price will probably need to be significantly higher than the one listed on the sheet. Further, acts marked with ‘call for information’ are way outside of our price range.

We are posting this list for your information. To give you an idea both of what is available and how much it might cost. We will perform additional surveys in the coming days to further narrow the field. Please leave your comments regarding the information here using the comments link.

We are presenting information about the top two genres selected.

That having been said, on to the pdfs:

There are other altneratives. They are available here be aware that we are capping the maximum act cost at $30,000. Suggestions beyond this level will be ignored. Acts not available in the Spring will be ignored. Links to you're best friends amazing local band will also, likely, be ignored.

Flame On!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Survey Results!

And the results are in, we had 869 responses. Since there is a lot of information to look at click here to se the detailed results.

Here is the quick and dirty executive summary for those that dont feel like reading through it all:
Strong support for music (45%) and music and a comedian (37%). Comparably weak support for only a comedian (17%).

Strong support for one large act (83%).

Genres (Top 5):
Based on Most Interested Only:
  1. Rock (488)
  2. Comedy (349)
  3. Metal (150) / Country (150)
  4. Hip Hop/Rap/Rapcore (127)
  5. Pop (125)
Based on Most Interested + .5*(Interested)
  1. Rock (607.5)
  2. Comedy (454.5)
  3. Hip Hop/Rap/Rapcore (237)
  4. Ska, Reggae, Dub (233)
  5. Pop (212)
Based on (Most Interested + .5*(Interested)) - (No Way! + .5*(Not Interested))
  1. Rock (555.5)
  2. Comedy (300)
  3. Country(-24.5)
  4. Ska, Reggae, Dub (-69.5)
  5. Metal (-97)
Other breakdowns are possible, but they are left as an exercise to the reader -- for instance we could have counted the neurtal votes as postive or negative.

The rest of the data seems representative of the campus (male/female response rate, class break ups etc), suggesting that the survey is an accurate picture of the campus.

We will use this data to generate a possible act survey in the near future.
