The pre-release movies we were renting are quite expensive, on the order of $500 a week, if you get one movie a week for the whole school year (you get a volume discount, the fewer movies you get the more they cost). For obvious copyright reasons we aren't supposed to show just any movie we want, whenever we feel like it -- we have to go through a company that rents performance rights. Unfortunately there is really only one company around that does that for colleges, and that's Swank. Equally unfortunate is the fact that Swank isn't the greatest company around. Several times last year the movies that arrived were messed up -- bad sound, missing subtitles or just completely the wrong movie.
Given the expense, poor quality and lack of attendance for non drive in movies we have been investigating other options.
We probably would have continued to use Swank, at least for the outdoor movies (albeit at a higher price), except that last year we broke two screens last year showing these movies. Unfortunately the fastfold screens we were using aren't designed for outdoor use, and so a relatively light gust of wind is enough to break the metal support frame. As a result of this OIT, who actually owns the screens we were using, decided not to let us use them. In light of the fact that we broke them last year, this seems completely reasonable.
We've been investigating two alternatives:
1: To purchase an outdoor inflatable screen, to allow us to continue doing outdoor movies. The screen is a sizable investment, on the order of $5,000. Before we make an investment like that we need to do some more research -- not to mention that CUSA has to approve the purchase. Unfortunately, there is no way the screen will be ready for this semester, if we did decide to buy it.
2: To purchase seats passes to the Roxy which would be made available to the students for free.
Unfortunately Jeff Sotz, who owns the local theaters (the rosy included) tends not to return peoples phone calls -- I've been trying to get a hold of him for the better part of 5 months.