CUB/SpringFest News

The Clarkson Union Board is Clarkson University's on campus entertainment council. We are responsible for planning events to entertain the students as well as providing support to other campus organizations.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Pablo and Demetri

Pablo Francisco and Demetri Martin will be bid as co-headliners for SpringFest. Which ideally will be on April 7th. Keep in mind this is only a bid, so there are no guarantees at this point. More information as it becomes available.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Bid Rejected

Bob Saget is unfortunately unable to commit to our date, one of his family members is extremely sick and hes just not willing to work right now as a result of that.

Where does that leave us? Thats pretty well up to you, please leave us some comments about what direction you'd like to see us head in. Ideally I'd like to have another bid out by next week, but I think I may wait until after the WTSC interview on Monday night. Going by the past survey results the top choices would be Flogging Molly or Dave Attel.

We'll probably ask for another Jolt poll in a day or two, once we've reached some consensus.

As I've said many times this is the nature of this business, one never really knows what to expect. Sometimes sure things fall through.

Monday, January 22, 2007

WTSC Interview

Things are moving along smoothly on the bid for Bob Saget. We might even have a confirmed date and a contract in hand by Friday.

More importantly, in our on going effort to be more open about SpringFest and to allow as much feedback and input as is possible, I'll be live on the air on WTSC 91.1 Monday, January 29th at 8pm. Please feel free to call in (315.268.7657), IM or eMail.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Poll The Entire Campus

Why doesn't CUB re-poll the entire campus?

Short answer, we don't have time. It takes time to get the approval for the survey, to have the survey set up, to email it out, to allow people time to complete the survey and finally to process the results. The quickest turn around I've been able to do so far is more than 2 weeks. Unfortunately we don't have that kind of time to spare right now (there is a lot of planning and lead work that goes into a show like this).

Why do a Jolt poll?

Jolt polls take me an email or IM to a Jolt God to setup, provide very quick feedback and reach a decent portion of the people on campus.

How representative are Jolt polls and are they accurate?

Thats an open ended question. Given that almost 700 people have voted I'd say its pretty representative. In terms of accuracy, I talk to Ron Ayers who reviews the voting logs and vets the results. On short order its the best I can do.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Bob Saget and Your Comments!

This is not the Bob Saget you've seen on Full House, nor is this the Bob Saget you see on America's Funniest. Yes, it's the same guy, but the comedy is not the same. That said he's selling out college larger than ours, U Conn for instance sold out a 2,500 seat room with him last September, UMass Amherst sold a 4000 seat room with him and Bates did a 1900 seat room, he also did Canisus earlier this year.

Hes also directed the movie Dirty Work with Norm MacDonald.

In terms of his stand up comedy it's dirty, this won't be a child friendly show. We'll be advertising it as at least 17 and over. For some clips from his live shows check out youtube.

In response to the Jolt Guest Name post at 2:22 pm:

"SUNY Potsdam is trying to do a comedy show (Lewis Black). Rather than possibly compete for their attendance, the board felt it would be better to follow the data and cover a different market."

Why did they choose Saget over Flogging then?

Yes, Potsdam is also doing comedy. Yes, we said earlier in the year that we would try to pursue music so as to reach a different part of the market. However that was a few months ago, and consequently things have changed. The top musical choice out of the voting was Breaking Benjamin, however they are not working out for us. We ran two Jolt polls, one before break and the one that started on Saturday. These two polls pitted the second musical choice against the first and second comedy options respectively and showed no real favor either way. In light of that we were forced to reconsider our original position.

We decided that a comedian would probably have wider appeal than a punk show, and so that's the direction we're heading in.

In response to the Jolt Guest Name at 2:15 pm:

a one act show? Is he that expensive? We got lewis black, stephen lynch, and some guy i don't know but was good enough, for presumably the same price. if he thinks he is just as good as those three combined, then I don't want to see him anymore.

Yes, he is really that expensive. Lewis/Steven was an amazing deal, we caught them at just the right moment -- before they got huge. Lewis is now $50K by himself and Steven is now $30K. We paid $30K for both of them. Sadly that's not something that's likely to happen again. As to why we're pursuing him, that's pretty simple, he came out second in terms of voting for comedians.

Using the information you provided us through surveys, polls and posting both in the blog and on the jolt we're doing our best to give you the show you want.

Bid Change

We are withdrawing our bid for Breaking Benjamin due to the length of time is taking them to respond as well as concerns regarding their recent changes in touring schedule.

Given the how close the current Jolt poll is, the board has decided to attempt to bring Bob Saget to campus instead. We feel that his comedy will have a wider campus appeal than Flogging Molly. Its important to be aware that given his higher price, it is likely that he would be the only act for the show. That said, we are trying to arrange things so that we can have a battle of the bands and possibly inflatable fun the day before the show, to provide more of a SpringFest weekend, than a single day show.

These changes are not yet set in stone and we welcome your input into the process (IE: feel free to leave comments, post on the Jolt, etc).