CUB/SpringFest News

The Clarkson Union Board is Clarkson University's on campus entertainment council. We are responsible for planning events to entertain the students as well as providing support to other campus organizations.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

SpringFest, CUSA and CUB in General

We had planned on having a transition act between Demetri and Pablo, however that is no longer the case. It came down to a question of money and we aren't really in a position to spend any more on this show. Further, we had discussed the possibility of having some sort of SpringFest related events during the week prior to the show, however at this time that also seems somewhat financially infeasible. Sorry guys.

If you want a bigger and better SpringFest and more on campus programming please email CUSA and support our request for a budget increase for next year. We are asking for a significant increase in our SpringFest budget as well as our general budget and your support will help to insure that happens.


For more information about the show itself please head over to the SpringFest 07 Site.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Contracts and Confirmations

Pablo’s contract was reviewed, revised and approved by Risk Management today. However, this does not mean that we can guarantee Pablo for SpringFest yet; the contract revisions still need to be approved by Pablo and his management, a process that can require several days. Further most performance contracts include a back out clause. This clause allows the talent to break the contract up to 30 days prior to the performance date, in the event that something they cannot pass up comes along. That however happens quite rarely – an example where that might happen would be being invited to host SNL.

Also, Demetri tentatively confirmed today, provided we are able to meet two requests:
1. He opens the show.
2. We provide a buffer between his performance and Pablos.
We do not anticipate either of these two conditions to be a problem. More on that as it develops.

So that’s pretty much it: Demetri Martin and Pablo Francisco, April 7th…

Friday, February 02, 2007

Pablo Confirmed

Pablo Francisco has confirmed for April 7th. While this still isn't quite the guarantee that a signed contract is, its still very good news. This means that as of now, you can plan on SpringFest being the 7th of April (duh).

Still no word yet on Demetri, however I'd expect to have him confirmed by the end of next week.

Its important to realize that even after we have signed contracts from the talent they can still bail out of the contract up to 60, or sometimes even 30 days, before the show without any penalty. This allows them to accept an offer to be on SNL or something of the sort, however it rarely happens that this clause is invoked.

Tentative ticket prices are $12 for pre-sale associated college students and staff and $20 for community members and day of show sales.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Pablo and Demetri

Pablo Francisco and Demetri Martin will be bid as co-headliners for SpringFest. Which ideally will be on April 7th. Keep in mind this is only a bid, so there are no guarantees at this point. More information as it becomes available.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Bid Rejected

Bob Saget is unfortunately unable to commit to our date, one of his family members is extremely sick and hes just not willing to work right now as a result of that.

Where does that leave us? Thats pretty well up to you, please leave us some comments about what direction you'd like to see us head in. Ideally I'd like to have another bid out by next week, but I think I may wait until after the WTSC interview on Monday night. Going by the past survey results the top choices would be Flogging Molly or Dave Attel.

We'll probably ask for another Jolt poll in a day or two, once we've reached some consensus.

As I've said many times this is the nature of this business, one never really knows what to expect. Sometimes sure things fall through.

Monday, January 22, 2007

WTSC Interview

Things are moving along smoothly on the bid for Bob Saget. We might even have a confirmed date and a contract in hand by Friday.

More importantly, in our on going effort to be more open about SpringFest and to allow as much feedback and input as is possible, I'll be live on the air on WTSC 91.1 Monday, January 29th at 8pm. Please feel free to call in (315.268.7657), IM or eMail.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Poll The Entire Campus

Why doesn't CUB re-poll the entire campus?

Short answer, we don't have time. It takes time to get the approval for the survey, to have the survey set up, to email it out, to allow people time to complete the survey and finally to process the results. The quickest turn around I've been able to do so far is more than 2 weeks. Unfortunately we don't have that kind of time to spare right now (there is a lot of planning and lead work that goes into a show like this).

Why do a Jolt poll?

Jolt polls take me an email or IM to a Jolt God to setup, provide very quick feedback and reach a decent portion of the people on campus.

How representative are Jolt polls and are they accurate?

Thats an open ended question. Given that almost 700 people have voted I'd say its pretty representative. In terms of accuracy, I talk to Ron Ayers who reviews the voting logs and vets the results. On short order its the best I can do.